About this event
Industrial sectors – including the energy sector – have traditionally been male dominated and structural inequalities persist as women´s participation in the energy sector continues to be below that of the broader economy. At the same time, the role of greater gender diversity as instrumental for sustainable development, innovation and inclusive solutions is undeniable. The growing renewable sector and the accelerated shift towards sustainable grids will require the inclusion of gender perspectives both in terms of the impacts of energy projects and in terms of gender representation and empowerment.
Women have provided important contributions in shaping revolutionary and creative policies and frameworks for a smart transition.
Registration is free.
Moderator: Joanna Osawe, CEO & President, Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE)
Opening Remarks: Stephanie Dei, Director Research Partnerships at the Diversity Institute of Ryerson University
Michelle Branigan, CEO, Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)
Malgorzata Smieszek, Lead Author, Gender and Environment, Pan-Arctic Report on Gender Equality Issues
Robert Hornung, CEO & President, Canadian Renewable Energy Association
Harpa Petursdottir, Chair of Women in Energy – Iceland
Closing remarks: Hjalti Ómar Ágústsson, Specialist, Directorate of Equality Iceland, Special Advisor GEA Project
The event is organized by the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network and Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) International, in cooperation with the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Canada to Iceland, the Embassy of Iceland to Canada, the Northeast Iceland Regional Development Agency, SSNE (Iceland), the Directorate of Equality, (Iceland), and Electricity Human Resources Canada, EHRC (Canada).