The Equal by 30 Campaign celebrated its third anniversary in May, and thanks to all signatories, this campaign was such a success!
The Equal by 30 team is excited to share some key updates and next steps for the campaign:
Over the past three years, the campaign has worked on building a large network of organizations and governments, and to date it has reached 170 signatories globally, from over 25 countries worldwide. This past International Women’s Day, the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, announced the release of the Equal by 30 reporting framework’s preliminary results and main findings. The report can be found here on the Equal by 30 website.
The Equal by 30 team is excited to let you know that an Extended Report has been released on the reporting framework, which takes a deeper-dive into the results and provides recommendations on how to build a more inclusive workplace. These results will create a much-needed baseline of gender-disaggregated data and will provide insight into diverse representation and inclusive workplaces within the energy sector. This new reporting framework is a critical first step in using data-driven insights to accelerate progress, build momentum, and take targeted action to create a more equitable and inclusive energy sector.
In September 2018, G7 countries signed on to the Equal by 30 Campaign, and committed to advancing gender equality in the energy sector. In light of the results from the reporting framework, and with support from the 2021 UK G7 Presidency, all G7 members have now agreed to a new set of joint strengthened commitments, in order to show leadership and take action to build a more inclusive and equitable workforce that will allow the sector to meet its global energy goals.
The Equal by 30 team is thrilled with the progress of the campaign, but knows there is still more to do. Over the coming year, the team looks forward to further supporting all signatories in their efforts to advance gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
To learn more about this campaign, please click here.