International Ambassadors Program
Equality Initiative Ambassador:
Alonso Daniel Pradenas Leiva (he/him)
Alonso Daniel Pradenas Leiva (he/him) Ambassador Chile
2022 - 2024
Commercial Specialist, AES Andes S.A.
Why advancing Women in Energy is so important
I believe that we all deserve a space in the world where we can contribute to the important changes that we are facing in society, without discrimination for any condition that separates us as human beings. We are facing complex challenges in the energy sector, and we must generate solutions to these problems, where the consensus of all is essential. Reaching agreements that improve societies is our responsibility and we cannot allow people to be excluded in the definition of a more sustainable future. It is everyone’s duty. It is for this and more reasons that the exclusion of women in energy and in all the spaces where they have been separated must end, without inclusion and diversity the world cannot continue.
Energy Field
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Energy Efficiency
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
- Other Power and Storage Technologies
- Fossil Fuels
- Business Enterprise
- English
- Spanish
I'm offering the following support for the Equality Initiative
- Promote Equality Initiative activities, events, or achievements by speaking publicly and/or privately
- Provide support in the promotion, review and/or selection process of the Equality Initiative Awards Program
- Participate and/or organize in the Equality Initiative regional, locally arranged, and/or international events or meetings (virtual options included)
- Promote actions to increase the participation of women within AES across countries in S.A.
I'm offering the following support to female students and professionals transitioning to or starting out in the clean energy field
- Launch a new and/or join an existing networking or a matching/mentorship program through a virtual platform
- Provide advice to early career professionals on finding, applying, and receiving job offers or how to "move up" in clean energy, and where possible actively support other women to advance in their careers
- Coordinate the South American AES DE&I committee, developing recruiting activities for increasing women participation
- Offer or promote internships, scholarships, fellowships, job shadowing, or training opportunities
- Collect and share information on best practices for advancing women in the energy field, share how to gain experience and increase leadership in their sector