September 29th 2022 09:00-10:30 (online)
For the energy transition and EU Green Deal to be realised, they need to be inclusive and participatory.
To understand and highlight the barriers women in energy communities and in the Renewable Heating and Cooling sectors face, as well as their behaviours and perceptions, we will look at gender equality in RES and ECs from a societal perspective, exploring different survey results and outlining inclusive policies from H2020-funded projects eCREW, W4RES, and BECoop as well as from the Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF).
A first part will explore what obstacles women must overcome and what needs to change. A second panel will examine the legal framework for better gender-balanced policy formulation. Instruments and strategies to draft inclusive supporting policies and ensure an enabling legal framework will be discussed.
The last part will showcase projects and initiatives that support women in the RES and ECs.
- Katharina Habersbrunner, Women Engage for a Commun Future – WECF
- Ioannis Konstas, Project manager, Q-Plan
- Johannes Slacik, Senior Expert for Energy Research and University Lector, Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz, Department of Energy Economics & Institute of Management Accounting.
- Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament
- Hemma Bieser, Founder and Managing Partner, avantsmart, Managing Director, OurPower
- Saska Petrova, Reader in Human Geography at University of Manchester.