Join the Fourth in a 2021 series of webinars from the Clean Energy Ministerial Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI) Initiative.
July 15, 2021 || 1 PM CEST / 7 PM Beijing || Duration: 1 hour
Presenter: Antonio Iliceto
Moderator: Phillip Cornell
- What are the outcomes of first quantitative feasibility study on interconnecting all regions of a decarbonized world?
- Which assumptions, conditions and modelling are behind the technical feasibility and economical rationale of global grids?
- How are storage, demand response and sector integration impacting them after showing that international interconnections are part of the optimal solution?
- Which gaps and barriers stand on the way for global sustainable interconnections?
Mr. Antonio Iliceto Chairs Study Committee C1 System Development & Economics In CIGRE, he is the member of Technical Council and contributed/convened several WGs on sector coupling, hydrogen, resilience, grid planning drivers and CBA, interconnections assessment, global grids, TSO-DSO relation, African electrification. He is an Electrical Engineer, started his work in Africa for United Nations technical cooperation. Then for a decade in Oil & Gas major ENI- AGIP in Strategies, Investments Planning, Merging& Acquisitions. Since 2001 he is with Terna, Italian TSO, covering several positions in: Power Market initial set-up and Settlement, International Business Development, Technology Engineering, Strategies Despatching and Planning, Realisation of several Interconnection projects in Mediterranean area, International Relations with Grid Operators. Since 2013 he focuses on R&D & Innovation, in several EU funded projects (among which Best Paths as Chairman of Consortium), in ENTSO-E (Convenor of Working Group “Future Energy Systems”, past Convenor of WG “RDI Planning” in the Committee Research, Development and Innovation), in ETIP SNET (EU Platform for energy cross–sector coordination of R&D & Innovation) as co-chair of WG1 on Grids & Systems and past co-chair of Governing Board. Currently engaged in works on Global Grids, Sector Integration, Electric Vehicles and Hydrogen. He is active in MedTSO (Association of Mediterranean TSOs, Operations Committee and Scenario Committee), IEC ACTAD ( Advisory Committee on T&D, co-chair of TT4 and TT6 on Global Grids), ISGAN (Executive Committee member and Annex6 on T&D systems), Dii – Desert Energy (member of Advisory Board and of several technical WGs), AEIT – LEE (Italian Electricity Journal as Editorial Board member and reviewer).
Phillip Cornell is a Senior Fellow at the Global Energy Center of the Atlantic Council, where he directed the Global Energy Governance Reform Task Force and the International Grid Integration study on power infrastructure and trade in MENA, South Asia, and SE Asia. He is also a Principal at the Economist Intelligence Unit, and a consultant at the World Bank Group where he authored a major report on the political economy of MENA power and gas interconnection to support the Pan Arab Regional Energy Trade Platform (PA-RETP).
Please register and join via Zoom link.
About the CEM’s Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI) Initiative
- Discuss conducive policy and regulatory framework regarding regional and global power system integration
- Build consensus on facilitating energy transition via increased proportion of renewable energy in energy consumption and enhanced grid interconnection
- Encourage CEM member countries to engage in the process of RGEI and seize collaborative opportunities
RGEI works with other regional and national technical organizations in the field of power system integration including State Grid Corporation of China, the Korea Electric Power Corporation, and others.
For more information reach out to the Operating Agent, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) [Contacts: Zheng Zhu,, +86-1063411675; Yanqiu Bi,,+86-1063417467].